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Monetizing the Reef Keeping Fad

Following a hobby like reef keeping is no inexpensive task. The overall asset you put into maintaining its healthy and uninterrupted growth combined with the price you pay for buying the livestock and equipments can cost you a fortune. The need for high intensity lighting shows up in your electricity bills. Other than real enthusiasts, not everyone might want to… [Read More]

DIY guide to making concrete reef tank

The new trend in aquarium keeping especially in reef aquariums is building concrete tanks. Why people prefer concrete tank is for their reliability and attractiveness. A concrete tank does not means it is to be made of concrete cement on all sides. The glass aquarium goes in with some precautions and only the display window remains visible in glass. Mostly… [Read More]

Fishless Cycling: best way to escape new tank syndrome

    In the previous the focus was on tackling new tank syndrome and the ways of fastening the nitrification process and ensuring lesser loss of fish during the initial period of tank set up. Some who are reluctant to lose any fish and completely pass over the new tank syndrome from causing any fish damage have another option to… [Read More]

New Tank Syndrom No Big Deal

      Beginners or even experienced aquarium keepers can get wedged with a common problem within a few months of setting up a new tank. The word new tank syndrome is not necessarily a problem that is associated with new tanks only. Even older tanks can face this issue sometime. To learn about cautions to be taken for preventing… [Read More]

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