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Reef-A-Palooza (RAP) is a Not-to-be Missed Event

Reef-A-Palooza 2013 was a huge success with higher attendance than ever, with just short of 4400 ticketed saltwater enthusiasts attending the two day event. Reef-A-Palooza (RAP) is an annual event promoted by the Southern California Marine Aquarium Society (SCMAS). Now in its tenth year, RAP can best be described as an indoor marketplace where sellers, exhibitors, and hobbyists of all… [Read More]

Reef Suds – The First of its Kind of Soap

Reef aquarists are always concerned about not accidently introducing any foreign particle into their tank while working inside it as we never really know which among all things around us can build up the harm causing era. Generally it is advised that you must wash your hands with warn water; dry it up with a clean tower before diving your… [Read More]

What’s New This Year For Reef Aquarists

      In 2012 we came across many new contributions to reef aquarium industry across the world. Conservation of some endangered species of rare corals for instance was the chief issue for which various measures have been taken in regions where these are mostly exploited. Some new and interesting species of corals like Euphyllia baliensis, Leptoseris, Dactylotrochus and more… [Read More]

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