az egészségbiztosítás hordozhatóságáról és elszámoltathatóság törvény hipaa gyermek egészségügyi Szövetség óra után

Recovery of bleached corals

        Temperature instability is considered the chief reason for coral bleaching. In natural reef, global warming is raising the temperature and leading to bleaching of corals. [google_adsense_in_post] Zooxanthellae, which is the agent contributing to the various colorations in corals is expelled by the corals when it is stressed due to intense temperature or changed water conditions. Sometimes… [Read More]

Coral turf in reef tank

        In a natural reef, the corals are in a completion for space and spread out to the extreme covering as much of the substrate as may be available. Most corals have a tendency to spread their branches as much as possible. This is why most people think that keeping corals in a tank is quite difficult… [Read More]

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