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Coral Reef in Palau Thrives in Acidic Waters

One of the main, and overlooked, aspects of pumping over 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is ocean acidification. As carbon dioxide levels go up in the atmosphere, greater amounts of carbon dioxide are absorbed by the ocean. They combines with H2O and a Carbonate ion (CO3) to make 2 bicarbonate ions (2 HCO3), pushing the acidity… [Read More]

The Signal Goby’s Mesmerizing Mating

Anna and Ned DeLoach at never fail to astound us with their photos and videos on their tropical adventures. In this video Anna recounts their observation of an endearing pair of Signigobius biocellatus breeding in the silty muck of Papua New Guinea. Not only fun to watch, this fish has some pretty inquisitive reproductive behavior. Signigobius biocellatus feeds by… [Read More]

Reef Fish Find It’s Too Hot to Swim

        Summer days are tiring and all you want to do is play around idle. A team of researchers from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University has shown that ocean warming may make some large reef fish feel the same way. Global warming has adverse effects on corals is a… [Read More]

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