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Aquaripure Rejoins Reefland as as Sponsor

Aquaripure has rejoined Reefland as a sponsor! Aquaripure has been in the specialized aquarium filter creation business since 2003. They have been constantly making new improvements to their filters since then, always increasing performance and cost effectiveness. They have designed several models of aquarium filters that are built for tanks of all sizes, ranging anywhere from 5 to 1,500 gallons,… [Read More]

Aquarium Corals – Selection, Husbandy and Natural Selection

Media ReviewAquarium Corals – Selection, Husbandry and Natural History  Author: Eric H. Borneman Publisher: Microcosm Ltd. and T.F.H. Publications, Inc. Availability: Hardback: Price $54.95 – ISBN 1890087475 Paperback: Price $44.95 – ISBN 1890087483This 464-page publication is wonderfully written and illustrated with beautiful color photographs of corals in both nature and captivity. There is also an extensive appendix that contains a Glossary, References and Index. Cover… [Read More]

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