Sea Salts, Part One: A review and a new study to determine their effects on reef aquarium inhabitants. By: Eric Borneman The first artificial sea salts designed to maintain marine ornamentals and concomitantly act as a surrogate for natural seawater were commercially developed in the 1960s. Over the many years since that first salt appeared in the aquarium trade, we… [Read More]
Sea Salts, Part One: A review and a new study to determine their effects on reef aquarium inhabitants.
Reeflections: Incredibly Simple

Reeflections: Incredibly Simple By: Iwan Lässer Tank Introduction: First, I would like to thank the Reefland community and Reef Hobbyist Online for honoring my system. Since I was a little boy I was fascinated by the life found on coral reefs. I have always observed aquatic life whenever I had the opportunity. To increase my ability to view aquatic life,… [Read More]
Reeflections: A Three Foot Square Challenge

Reeflections: A Three Foot Square Challenge By: John Laurenson It is an honor to be featured in the Reef Hobbyist Online Reeflections Column, especially considering I’m following reef keepers like JB NY, steveweast, and others. I often visit their Web sites and envy their tanks. I often sit in awe when I read and see the effort and thought they… [Read More]
Reef Stability, A Moving Target

Reef Stability, A Moving Target By: Ronald L. Shimek Ph.D. Garbage In… Garbage Out… One of the more constant concerns of many reef aquarists is keeping their reef “stable.” To this end, large amounts of money and many hours of effort are often spent on all sorts of gadgetry, paraphernalia, and activities all designed or used to keep the aquarium… [Read More]
Reef Hobbyist Online: September 2005 Edition Introduction
Welcome to the September 2005 Edition of Reef Hobbyist Online! We are happy to bring to you the release of our September 2005 Edition of Reef Hobbyist Online! In September, we focus on biological controls of frequent marine aquarium problems. Steven Pro provides us a unique view on The Use, Overuse and Abuse of Biological Controls in our Main Attraction…. [Read More]
Reef Hobbyist Online: November 2005 Edition Introduction

November 2005 Edition Introduction By: Scott Zachow & Gene Schwartz Welcome to the November 2005 Edition of Reef Hobbyist Online – Celebrating 1 Year of Reading! Can you believe it? Reef Hobbyist Online is 1 year old. Over the past year, we have worked very hard to bring you not only interesting and educational reading material; we also tried to… [Read More]
Reef Hobbyist Online: November 2004 Edition Introduction
Welcome to Reef Hobbyist Online! Introduction By: Scott Zachow & Gene Schwartz We are very pleased to announce another new feature at, Reef Hobbyist Online! Reef Hobbyist online is not an Online Magazine such as Reefkeeping or Advanced Aquarist, RHO is simply a collection of articles that have been written exclusively for by a variety of hobby authors…. [Read More]
Reef Hobbyist Online: May 2005 Edition Introduction
May 2005 Edition Introduction By: Scott Zachow & Gene Schwartz Welcome to the May 2005 Edition of Reef Hobbyist Online! We would like to welcome all of our readers to the May 2005 edition of Reef Hobbyist Online! If this is your first visit to RHO, be sure to check out our first 3 editions by clicking on Past Editions… [Read More]
Reef Hobbyist Online: March 2005 Edition Introduction
March 2005 Edition Introduction By: Scott Zachow & Gene Schwartz Welcome to the March 2005 Edition of Reef Hobbyist Online! We would like to welcome all of our readers to the March 2005 edition of Reef Hobbyist Online! If this is your first visit to RHO, be sure to check out our first 2 editions by clicking on Past Editions… [Read More]