Hello everybody! The Reefland blog is officially live. This is where we will be posting any news about the Reefland community, such as new additions to the forum, any contests we might have, upgrades, or whatever else we think of. We also might occasionally other stuff like industry news, marine aquarium care tips and tricks, any deals on marine aquarium… [Read More]
Reefland Search Powered by Google
I’ve been up late tonight working on a solution for our forum search issue, as quite a few people have been complaining about not being able to find what they’re looking for. Since our vBulletin-powered forum search appears to not want to cooperate, I’ve cooked up a quick solution. To the left you will see a Google Search box. Since… [Read More]
Reef Hobbyist Online Articles
Ever since we upgraded the forum’s software version to the latest (4.0), we lost a few things namely the Aquarium Log and the Reef Hobbyist Online magazine. The Aquarium Log has been mostly fixed thankfully, however getting the RHO articles back is another time-consuming and complicated process. We’ve started bringing them back, however they aren’t in order any longer. The… [Read More]
Reefland Welcomes Sealife Systems Sponsorship
Reefland has recently launched a new sponsor partnership with Sealife Systems, which is a store offering a number of saltwater aquarium filtration products. Sealife Systems has designed many different aquarium products, including wet/dry filters, refugiums & sumps, protein skimmers, overflow units, and much more. Besides their wide and ever-growing list of products, which they back 100%, Sealife Systems also prides… [Read More]
Aquaripure Rejoins Reefland as as Sponsor
Aquaripure has rejoined Reefland as a sponsor! Aquaripure has been in the specialized aquarium filter creation business since 2003. They have been constantly making new improvements to their filters since then, always increasing performance and cost effectiveness. They have designed several models of aquarium filters that are built for tanks of all sizes, ranging anywhere from 5 to 1,500 gallons,… [Read More]
Where I Think The Hobby Should Be Going

Where I Think The Hobby Should Be Going By: Steven Pro I have had the pleasure recently to get out to a good number of local aquarium clubs. As part of these trips, inevitably, I get to visit the homes of some of the aquarists and view their displays. And, while I am truly grateful to talk to my fellow… [Read More]
Variations on a Refugium: Installation Options

Extra Extra!Variations on a Refugium: Installation Options By: Steven Pro I am an equipment junky. Don’t get that confused with a technology buff, though. I hate gadgets. I don’t use electronic probes to monitor my display’s pH, ORP, temperature, salinity, or anything else. A refractometer and simple colorimetric test kits work good enough for me. I don’t even use a… [Read More]
The Use, Overuse, and Abuse of Biological Controls

The Use, Overuse, and Abuse of Biological Controls The So-Called Cleaner Crews and Nuisance ‘Algae’ Problems By: Steven Pro There was an old lady who swallowed a fly. I don’t know why she swallowed the fly. Perhaps she’ll die. There was an old lady who swallowed a spider that wiggled and giggled and tickled inside her. She swallowed the spider… [Read More]
The Paradox Of A Consistent Need For Variation

The Paradox Of A Consistent Need For Variation By: Ronald L. Shimek Ph.D. Changes According to legends and nursery rhymes, King Canute is reputed to have had his throne placed on the beach so he could sit and command the tide not to come in. His command went unheeded, of course, and he and his throne began to get wet…. [Read More]
Substrate Review – Sand Beds and Bare-Bottom Tanks

Substrate Review – Sand Beds and Bare-Bottom Tanks By: Scott Zachow Substrate Review – Sand Beds and Bare-Bottom Tanks This month, I wanted to do a different type of review than what we are used to, something different for the New Year I suppose. With all of the discussions over the past several years about substrate, I wanted to share… [Read More]