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Coral diseases: symptoms and causes

      Global warming and environmental pollution has not left the coral reefs unharmed. Those who say that aquaculture is the biggest threat to extinction of some coral species need think again. Most part of the coral reefs in natural water bodies are being harmed at an alarming rate and no serious measure have been taken yet. When identified… [Read More]

Reefland Presents An Irresistible Giveaway: 36 Inch 460nm 0.5W Marine LED fixture worth $99.99

Welcome reefland fans to another fascinating giveaway. The giveaway is a 36 Inch 460nm 0.5W Marine LED fixture exclusively sponsored by Aquatic Life LLC. The giveaway begins today itself and will be live till September, 25th 2012 at 11:59 PM EST. Get involved today to be one of the lucky winners selected by The winner will be notified by… [Read More]

Getting Rid Of The Irritating Ich

      The white spot disease or the saltwater ich is characterized by white salt like spots on the body and fins on the fish. It is often mistaken to be a minor issue and left uncared by amateur. Though it spreads slowly, it can reach a fatal stage without alarm and then you will have no solution to… [Read More]

Sea Cucumbers — Caretakers or Troublemakers?

      We have discussed the cleanup crew including the different snails an  herbivores eaters. Get your tank set for another caretaker of reef tanks, the sea cucumber. Sea cucumbers are echinoderms belonging to the class Holothuroidea. They are marine animals featuring a leathery skin and an extended body containing a single, branched gonad. They are extensively found on the sea floor globally. The biggest controversy on… [Read More]

A cheap photo close-up option

Did you ever buy a photography magazine and become enthusiastic about an article, eager to try the techniques for yourself?? You want to get the same results, only to read the equipment the photographer used, finding out that you’ll need a couple of thousand dollars to buy it all, and it’s not even cheap used on ebay. While I do… [Read More]

Aquariums, aquaculture and ethics

  We have many lectures and seminars at the aquarium, and we try and keep them aimed at the general public in terms of content and level. There’s not much point having someone come in to talk about a rare species of worm if no one is going to show up. A couple of months ago, we Skyped in a… [Read More]

Understanding Osmoregulation

  So you know that saltwater fishes cannot survive in freshwater tanks and you have to make it alkaline before making the tank ready for your fishes. But do you know why? Some people complain, especially the newbie that some of their their fishes die despite the aquarium being apt for the other breed of invertebrates. The answer to both… [Read More]

Making your own rock

Following on from a previous recent article on on rock, it’s possible to make your own, as described here with some of the issues often associated with the process. Of course, there are many methods, and aquarium hobbyists and professionals alike get a great sense of satisfaction from creating something that works. As I work in an aquarium, we’ve… [Read More]

Another Undesirable Element In Tank: Phosphates

      Though natural sea water has a major constituent of phosphates, they are of no good in a closed reef aquarium setting. Even if phosphate is present in a reef tank in low concentration, they can spur algae growth and slow coral calcification. If by chance their concentration increases in a reef tank, algae can enormously capture the… [Read More]

DIY To Curing Live Rocks

      Cured live rocks are usually costlier than the uncured ones and that is the reason why most of you would prefer to buy them uncured and does the curing procedure by yourself. That is no bad idea if you know the guidelines for curing them correctly and apprehensively. The most important fact that you got to keep… [Read More]