Beginners or even experienced aquarium keepers can get wedged with a common problem within a few months of setting up a new tank. The word new tank syndrome is not necessarily a problem that is associated with new tanks only. Even older tanks can face this issue sometime. To learn about cautions to be taken for preventing… [Read More]
Another Uninvited Visitor – Flatworms

When it comes to maintaining a healthy reef tank, many aquarists will agree to it that there are many intruders that are a threat. Some are disastrous in the long run while some cause instant debacle. Not all intruders are crooks and neither is every one of them friendly. While some worms are an absolute pro to reef growth and… [Read More]
Creating a “no entry” board for algae

Uninvited algae are one of the most irritating problems an aquarist can get stuck with. Not only do they make your tank look unattractive and filthy but also cause nuisance among corals and other anemones. Precaution is always better than cure so before these ugly head algae come to party in tank why not take some preventive measures and keep… [Read More]
Ready-Made Aquariums For The Little Ones…

Are you an avid aquarium hobbyist with young children that show curiosity but your set up is not suitable to let them become too involved? The answer could be to give them their own little tank with decor that will interest them and keep them amused. There are a number of themed tanks on the market suitable from the tiny… [Read More]
Moving a reef tank
It’s not often that one may face the necessity of moving a reef tank but there are times when you have to take these actions, be it due to job transfer or for study purposes. Moving a reef tank requires a lot of care and precautions and above all, pre planning. Every little part is delicate… [Read More]
Prohibited Ones for Reef Tanks

Making the tank look colorful and attractive is what every reef keeper longs for. With an effort to add that extra vibrant hue to the reef tank, there are many of us who end up adding a disastrous element to the tank. Remember all that glitters is not gold and all that looks good might not… [Read More]
How To Demolish A Pool

If you have a pool in the backyard that has not been used since a long time and neither is it going to be used further on, it’s time you think about getting it demolished. Not only will it give you extra space which can be used for greenery or as an extension to living space but… [Read More]
The Leading 10 Fish for Reef Tanks

Even the largest of reef tanks needs to be careful while selecting the fishes to be kept with the corals and rocks. Not all fishes are calm and compatible enough in the reef aquariums. Some tend to start feeding on the corals and their food, other may stress them with their aggressiveness and some even get themselves… [Read More]
Improving darker photos

Every once in a while you’ll take a photo of a fish, or creature in your aquarium, and be really pleased with the image. However, it may be that it’s a tad dark, or the colors don’t seem quite right. One of the first things to consider when working with images is whether it’s in RGB or CMYK. You’ve probably… [Read More]
Setting Up A Pico Reef Tank – No Easy Task

The latest in the trend of reef aquarium is the Pico tank after Nano tanks. More and more aquarists have shown interest in these small and cute tanks that are so handy that you can easily alter the place where it is set up. You can set them up at your office or study or any place… [Read More]