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Xeniidae Propagation

[google_adsense_in_post] Pulse corals are found in the Subclass Octocorallia, Order Alcyonacea, Suborder Alcyoniina, and Family Xeniidae. The corals found in Xeniidae are called pulse corals, due to the pulsatile motion of their polyps. Xeniidae have the ability to heal, grow and reproduce much faster than many other corals. In fact, their growth rates and reproduction levels have sometimes been compared… [Read More]

Anemones Benefiting Oxygen Supply from Clownfish

The most quirky fish in reef aquariums, probably once owned by every aquarist is now known to be a boon to their host anemones. The popularity of clownfish is actually credited to their host relation with the anemones providing them protection and keeping intruders away from the anemones. The stinging tentacles of the anemones help keeping danger at bay from… [Read More]

All about REFUGIUM

          Technically speaking, a refugium is a refuge in the sense that while it shares the water of the main tank, it is somehow set off from the tank, to provide the creatures inside refuge from larger fish in the main tank. In more general sense, a refuge is an extra tank or compartment of your… [Read More]

Maintaining Accurate Specific Gravity In Saltwater Tank

        Specific gravity is the measure of relative salinity or the amount of dissolved salts in your aquarium water in comparison to pure water. Being reef aquarists you all be aware of the importance of maintain a constant specific gravity in order not to stress the inhabitants of your aquarium. Measuring specific gravity on a regular basis… [Read More]

Tridacna Clam for Beauty and Benefits

        Giant clams are a great choice that offers beauty, biological benefits and biological diversity. Proper lighting, water movement, trace elements and placement of the giant clams, will ensure the health of these fascinating invertebrates. [google_adsense_in_post] The clams of interest are of the genus Tridacna. These beautiful clams include T. maxima, T. crocea, T. squamosa and T…. [Read More]

Tomato Clownfish That Adds BEAUTY To Your Aquarium

[google_adsense_in_post]   The Tomato Clownfish is one of the 27 known clownfish species. Its scientific name is Amphiprion frenatus and it is also known as bridled clownfish, red clownfish, or tomato anemone fish. Clownfish co-exists with anemones in the wild and can shelter from predators near the anemone without being stung or eaten. It may also use coral as a… [Read More]

Common Fish Diseases Your Fish Might Get

          It hurts so much if our when our lovely fishes in the tank fall ill. As they say, “prevention is better than cure”, we always wish we had enough information in order to avoid or prevent it. Here is a list of most common fish diseases in freshwater aquariums. [google_adsense_in_post]   Columnaris: Grayish white marks… [Read More]

How Norton Internet Security 2013 Protects Against Viruses

Many people are aware that they need a high-quality virus protection system for their computer but are understandably confused by how one works. In the case of top performer Norton Internet Security 2013, it works by using many layers of security checks and protection. According to its creator company, Symantec, Norton Internet Security 2013’s core technology, the Norton Protection System,… [Read More]

Test Kits for your Aquarium

          Testing your aquarium is the key component to maintain a healthy environment for your fish. You must be wondering, what should you test. The list below will definitely help you sort what to test for, and provides information about the available products. Master Test Kits: Combination or Master Test kits are touted as the perfect… [Read More]

AquaMaxx Biopellet Reactor

  [google_adsense_in_post] One of the recent method trending reef aquariums is the use of solid polymers called “biopellets” or “bioplastics”. They endow with a carbon source and habitat for good bacteria to settle. These bacteria devour the carbon source and also take in nitrates and phosphates, plummeting and removing these harmful nutrients from the water. The bacteria are as a… [Read More]