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Eviota pamae the Amazing New Dwarf Goby

[google_adsense_in_post] Eviota pamae is a newly described species of goby which shows that although there’s a lot of stunning new species being discovered, some more beautiful than others yet the natural world under water has in store lots of surprises for us. It looks much like a minuscule of the popular sunrise hogfish from Hawaii, the sunrise dwarf goby from… [Read More]

Zooplanktons for your Reef Aquarium

              Zooplanktons are considered fanciful by reef aquarists and recently many are taking up the effort to raise some of these to gain that extra natural look in their aqua world. However not all Zooplanktons are to be experimented with. Here we have discussed a few that are safe and reef compatible. Copepods [google_adsense_in_post]… [Read More]

Problems with Painted Fish

[google_adsense_in_post] Artificially colored fish have become increasingly popular in the aquarium trade. May fish producers started to create colorful fish by injecting them with artificial color or dipping them in dye. Why is painted fish a problem? The fish will suffer during the various treatments and also becomes much more susceptible to illness. Some dyeing methods cause up to 80%… [Read More]

Reasoning soft Corals’ Unique Pulsating Motion

[google_adsense_in_post] Scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have recently researched why Heteroxenia corals pulsate. Their work, which answered an old scientific mystery, appears in the current issue of PNAS. One of the most charming sights in the coral reef of Eilat is the continuous motion of the tentacles of a coral called Heteroxenia…. [Read More]

NatGeo’s Underwater Hangout on Earth Day

[google_adsense_in_post] This Earth Day, National Geographic teamed up with NASA and Catlin Seaview Survey to bring you a Google+ Hangout that explores the land, sea, and sky. Along with explorers from both NASA and National Geographic, they are with Cailtin Seaview Survey cinematographer and shark researcher Richard Fitzpatrick who joined them from Australia’s Great Barrier Reef… while underwater. Through the… [Read More]

Dealing with Foam Build-up

        Foam build-up is a common problem in the saltwater tank. While freshwater aquarium hobbyists may experience this problem as well, it is more common in saltwater tanks. This problem is easily solved if caught quickly and you can avoid detrimental effect on your aquarium fish. [google_adsense_in_post] One of the possibilities of building up of foam on… [Read More]

Ruby Red Dragonet Making Splash Everywhere and Yet a Mystery

[google_adsense_in_post] A dazzling ruby red dragonet of the genus Synchiropus has made a big splatter in aquariums around the world. It started to show off in South Africa, and then on to Singapore, Japan and Los Angeles, the brilliant red dragonet has been spotted in shipments of red scooter blennies from a unique collection location in the Philippines. The guesses… [Read More]

Zooplanktons For Your Reef Aquarium

Copepods Copepods are small crustaceans found in both marine and freshwater environments. Calanoids, cyclopoids and harpacticoids are of meticulous curiosity to reef keepers, since most species of these orders generally form the first link in the aquatic food chain after phytoplankton. They are the second largest source of protein in the oceans, next only to krill.

All about Snails for Your Freshwater Tanks

Aquarium snails are often cited as a nuisance that can take over the tank seemingly overnight, covering live plants and clogging the intake valves of aquarium filters. Besides, aquarium snails are actually a benefit in some situations. Certain species of snails can act as scavengers in the tank, cleaning up excess detritus that might have a negative effect on the… [Read More]

Aquascaping Your Saltwater Aquarium

              Dressing up your tank is a very pleasant experience. A little imagination and motivation can go a long way. You would always want to create an environment that is both beneficial to the tank residents and that is aesthetically pleasing. Livestock that is on the larger size will require some rock or pieces… [Read More]