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Light it right!

    Lighting the Aquarium has always been a debatable topic for aquarists who have their own choices regarding selection of lighting methods. While some still prefer florescent lights, many have switched to Led lights due to its moderation of heat and temperature of water. As we know Led lights generate lesser heat than any other source of light, it… [Read More]

Cactus coral (Pavona decussates)

      Though cactus corals or Pavona corals are not the most attractive ones regarding color and texture, their pattern of growth is what makes them unique and a substantial addition to reef tanks. Also known as lettuce coral they can be found in purple, brown, and different shades of green and have polyps on both sides of the… [Read More]

Colored to be persecuted- the dyed creatures

      Reef keeping has developed over the years from a hobby to a piece of attraction to be kept at home. The amount of money an enthusiast spends on reef maintaining and adding substantial anemones and corals to them are for the reason that they enjoy nurturing them. On the other hand folks that are more into reef… [Read More]

Feeding fish: the easy way

  My 3 years old kid wonders how his aquarium fish will survive when we leave next month for a week off to see his granny. We laughed off as we know there shall be maid-servant at home and she is going to feed them. My boy looked skeptical…….. What if she forgets? There was point in his question which… [Read More]

Give your aquatic pets a clean and disease free verve

      Aquatop UV Sterilizing Pump with UVP9 and 9W UV is no ordinary name in the field of aquarium keeping. People who have tried it know well that it gives what it promises. For those who have yet to try, here is a short analysis. Not a new problem for folks who have been in the hobby of… [Read More]

Types Of Reef Aquarium Lighting

Along with the concern for temperature, water and feeding of the plants and fishes in your fad for reef-keeping, another very important factor is suitably lighting the aquarium. Most people do not pay heed to this issue while beginning on their hobby. Ignorance leads to ruin of your long-wished for corals and invertebrates. Too high intensity of lightning can scare… [Read More]

A DIY Guide To Building Your Own Starter Marine Reef Tank

Any dedicated DIYer will tell you that there is no greater joy in the world than building your own stuff with your own hands; it’s a treat to see your dreams take form from your labor and the satisfaction of fulfilling your objective is one of pure achievement. Another important factor that most people will neglect is that DIY also… [Read More]

Reefland Blog Live

Hello everybody! The Reefland blog is officially live. This is where we will be posting any news about the Reefland community, such as new additions to the forum, any contests we might have, upgrades, or whatever else we think of. We also might occasionally other stuff like industry news, marine aquarium care tips and tricks, any deals on marine aquarium… [Read More]

Reefland Search Powered by Google

I’ve been up late tonight working on a solution for our forum search issue, as quite a few people have been complaining about not being able to find what they’re looking for. Since our vBulletin-powered forum search appears to not want to cooperate, I’ve cooked up a quick solution. To the left you will see a Google Search box. Since… [Read More]

Reef Hobbyist Online Articles

Ever since we upgraded the forum’s software version to the latest (4.0), we lost a few things namely the Aquarium Log and the Reef Hobbyist Online magazine. The Aquarium Log has been mostly fixed thankfully, however getting the RHO articles back is another time-consuming and complicated process. We’ve started bringing them back, however they aren’t in order any longer. The… [Read More]

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