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The Leading 10 Fish for Reef Tanks

      Even the largest of reef tanks needs to be careful while selecting the fishes to be kept with the corals and rocks. Not all fishes are calm and compatible enough in the reef aquariums. Some tend to start feeding on the corals and their food, other may stress them with their aggressiveness and some even get themselves… [Read More]

Improving darker photos

Every once in a while you’ll take a photo of a fish, or creature in your aquarium, and be really pleased with the image. However, it may be that it’s a tad dark, or the colors don’t seem quite right. One of the first things to consider when working with images is whether it’s in RGB or CMYK. You’ve probably… [Read More]

Setting Up A Pico Reef Tank – No Easy Task

      The latest in the trend of reef aquarium is the Pico tank after Nano tanks. More and more aquarists have shown interest in these small and cute tanks that are so handy that you can easily alter the place where it is set up. You can set them up at your office or study or any place… [Read More]

Coral diseases: symptoms and causes

      Global warming and environmental pollution has not left the coral reefs unharmed. Those who say that aquaculture is the biggest threat to extinction of some coral species need think again. Most part of the coral reefs in natural water bodies are being harmed at an alarming rate and no serious measure have been taken yet. When identified… [Read More]

Reefland Presents An Irresistible Giveaway: 36 Inch 460nm 0.5W Marine LED fixture worth $99.99

Welcome reefland fans to another fascinating giveaway. The giveaway is a 36 Inch 460nm 0.5W Marine LED fixture exclusively sponsored by Aquatic Life LLC. The giveaway begins today itself and will be live till September, 25th 2012 at 11:59 PM EST. Get involved today to be one of the lucky winners selected by The winner will be notified by… [Read More]

Sea Cucumbers — Caretakers or Troublemakers?

      We have discussed the cleanup crew including the different snails an  herbivores eaters. Get your tank set for another caretaker of reef tanks, the sea cucumber. Sea cucumbers are echinoderms belonging to the class Holothuroidea. They are marine animals featuring a leathery skin and an extended body containing a single, branched gonad. They are extensively found on the sea floor globally. The biggest controversy on… [Read More]

DIY To Curing Live Rocks

      Cured live rocks are usually costlier than the uncured ones and that is the reason why most of you would prefer to buy them uncured and does the curing procedure by yourself. That is no bad idea if you know the guidelines for curing them correctly and apprehensively. The most important fact that you got to keep… [Read More]

Hitchhiking With The Live Rocks

    The live rocks constitute an important part in enhancing the looks of the any reef aquarium. Its chief function as a superior biological filter that hosts both aerobic and anaerobic nitrifying bacteria required for the nitrogen cycle that processes waste does wonders to all reef tanks. Apart from the benefits of adding live rocks in reef tanks we… [Read More]

10 extinct and beautiful corals

      Just like the exploitation of other natural resources, corals too are subject to threats like pollution, artificial dying, bleaching, over harvesting, and major storms. Acidic seas are the latest talk among preservers. More than half of 82 species of coral being evaluated for inclusion under the Endangered Species Act more likely than not would go extinct by… [Read More]

Water changing without a mess

The mess associated with water changing of any level of aquarium is a big trouble for most of the aquarium keepers. The irritated process of carrying heavy buckets to the place and  then carrying it back with the dirty water dripping from the sides make most of us tired and sometimes even to the extent of ignoring the overall process…. [Read More]

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