Anyone raising Clownfish fry check out the video of my lil guys. It’s been a hell of a journey thus far and a once in a lifetime experience. Who knows where this can lead if I get better maybe opening a reef store dedicated to just saltwater tanks.
Anyone raising Clownfish fry check out the video of my lil guys. It’s been a hell of a journey thus far and a once in a lifetime experience. Who knows where this can lead if I get better maybe opening a reef store dedicated to just saltwater tanks.
I’ve had the wav power heads for about two months now so I thought it a fair time to write up a review. First I must say you need an apex controller in order to use these puppies. Previously to owning these power heads I had two MP40’s so I will be comparing the wav to them. I got to… [Read More]
Visit: http://www.saltwateraquarium.com/ – We have been hard at work creating a website WE want to shop at. Open a Store Account Today and receive Free Shipping on All US Orders with No Minimum Purchase. 5% Cash Back Rewards on All Brands, No Brand Restrictions. You can earn 5% Cash Back rewards on Ecotech Marine, AI and NYOS, reward points are… [Read More]
This is what you will receive in the kit minus the calcium test. I had to purchase that separately cause at MACNA they did not have the Marine kit available. The App will keep track of all your tests as long as you save them, you can look back and see the difference in changes. These are just some of… [Read More]
Prevent Burning Out Corals! At certain parts of the spectrum, the human eye cannot perceive light intensity changes once the light level exceeds a certain point. Too often this causes people to adjust their LED lights far past the ideal PAR level for their corals or plants. This usually results in burning, bleaching and/or death. With the PMK you can… [Read More]
Today I will be showcasing the all new Vectra L1 DC pump by ecotech marine. I got to see this at Macna 2015 and I got to say I was impressed enough to preorder it. I got mine from Vectra L1 DC pump for $449 with free shipping. This pump might be a bit overkill for my 90 gallon tank but… [Read More]
Bulk Reef Supply Debuts – Flat Packed Aquarium – The most wallet-friendly 70 gallon tank you’ll find on the market. http://brs.li/DIYTank https://www.facebook.com/BulkReefSupply/photos/a.326925147335217.92970.117073924987008/818145211546539/?type=1&theater ORA Farms – Now moving from Fish Breeding to Making Fish Cookies http://www.orafarm.com/blog/2014/04/01/new-flavor-ora/ SaltwaterAquairum.com – Electric Clown Fish Preorder https://www.facebook.com/204261976282363/photos/a.295825513792675.65967.204261976282363/699649593410263/?type=1&theater Advanced Aquarist – Clownwhale http://www.advancedaquarist.com/blog/new-amazing-whale-species-discovered-in-thailand
What do all algae (and cyano too) need to survive? Nutrients. What are nutrients? Ammonia/ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and urea are the major ones. Which ones cause most of the algae in your tank? These same ones. Why can’t you just remove these nutrients and eliminate all the algae in your tank? Because these nutrients are the result of the… [Read More]
In a time when other companies are trying to meet a minimum standard with thin glass, thin frames, and sloppy workmanship, Deep Sea Aquatics is setting the NEW STANDARD in high end, Luxury Aquariums. When it comes time for your aquarium, please ask for Deep Sea Aquatics! When a corporate decision was made to close the Oceanic Systems aquarium manufacturing… [Read More]
You can read the Play by Play here – http://www.reefland.com/forum/thread32248.html Here’s some highlights: Sand from marcorocks, Eheim pumps, Ecoxotic LED’s, Vortech MP10’s, sweet mature corals, great build. The tale of the tape for the next week or two: Stand is coming Thrs. Tank is coming Friday. I have decided to use MarcoRocks Aquarium Products for my sand. I will be… [Read More]
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