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Best Plants and Algae for Refugia – Part II “Vegetable Filters”

Best Plants and Algae for Refugia – Part II “Vegetable Filters”By: Anthony CalfoPart I of this Series Located HereCaulerpa was the first, popular algae used in refugiums only because the availability of alternate genera of algae in the hobby was limited. The genus Caulerpa overall though is very aggressive and sometimes toxic to fishes or invertebrates. For many aquarists, the… [Read More]

Best Plants and Algae for Refugia

Best Plants and Algae for Refugia By: Anthony Calfo In this column, I am excited to begin to share a series of installments with you discussing the best plants and algae for refugia. For the benefit of new readers and anyone unfamiliar with the term “refugia,” I’ll offer a brief definition. A refugium (in the most literal sense of the… [Read More]

Beautiful Seagrasses – Keeping True Flowering Plants in Your Marine Aquarium

Beautiful Seagrasses – Keeping True Flowering Plants in Your Marine Aquarium By: Anthony Calfo Sought after by aquarists around the world, the Hawaiian bristle-tooth, Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis, is a member of the best Tang genus for algae control on soft substrates like in seagrass displays. Picture and Caption by Anthony Calfo For some years now, private aquarists have begun to realize… [Read More]

Be A Host To Your Anemone

Main Attraction Be A Host To Your Anemone By: Ronald L. Shimek, Ph. D. Why Not Keep An Anemone?It would seem that keeping a host sea anemone should be the easiest thing in the world for an aquarist. After all, such animals are offered for sale in every local fish store and, “Hey, what could be so hard about keeping… [Read More]

Aquarium Maintenance

Aquarium Maintenance By: Scott Zachow A beautiful reef aquarium featured in the March Edition of RHO. With a some structured routine maintenance, any aquarium can display the same beauty. Picture by Eric and Sheila Ropke. Next to only cost, aquarium maintenance is a major reason more people don’t maintain their own marine aquarium. Think about it, while you converse with… [Read More]

Aquarium Logging Software – Personal Online Aquarium Log

Aquarium Logging Software – Personal Online Aquarium Log By: Scott Zachow   As promised in the last edition of RHO in the Aquarium Log Update article, we are very pleased to announce the release of Version 2 of the Personal Online Aquarium Log. If you are not familiar with the Aquarium Log, you are missing out on the very best… [Read More]

Aquarium Log Development

Update:Aquarium Log Development By: Scott Zachow & Gene SchwartzOne year ago, almost to the day, began offering a new service for it’s members; The Personal Online Aquarium Log. The Personal Online Aquarium Log idea was nothing new, it was something that was consider as a service on for some time. The problem was there was no time for it to… [Read More]

Aquarium Corals – Selection, Husbandy and Natural Selection

Media ReviewAquarium Corals – Selection, Husbandry and Natural History  Author: Eric H. Borneman Publisher: Microcosm Ltd. and T.F.H. Publications, Inc. Availability: Hardback: Price $54.95 – ISBN 1890087475 Paperback: Price $44.95 – ISBN 1890087483This 464-page publication is wonderfully written and illustrated with beautiful color photographs of corals in both nature and captivity. There is also an extensive appendix that contains a Glossary, References and Index. Cover… [Read More]

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