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Microscopy And Reef Aquaria Part 2: Observation With A Compound Microscope

Looking For The Small Things In Life – Microscopy And Reef Aquaria Part 2. Observation With A Compound Microscope. By: Ronald L. Shimek, Ph. D. Bells, Whistles And Knobs: So, Bucky, you read my last column on microscopy and you thought that, maybe, it might be neat to take a look at little things. Besides, microscopes look really cool sitting… [Read More]

Identify This…Conchs and Whelks

Identify This…Conchs and Whelks By: Ronald L. Shimek, Ph.D. Introductions: For the average reef aquarist, some of most easily confused and misidentified animals are the snails called either “conchs” or “whelks.” Because these names have been derived from years of common usage, mostly at fish markets, there is often good reason for the ambiguity and confusion that occurs when one… [Read More]

Identify This… Rissoid And Pyramidellid Snails

Identify This… Rissoid And Pyramidellid Snails By: Ronald L. Shimek, Ph.D. Figure 1. The bane of many aquarists: a pyramidellid snail that parasitizes trochoidean snails such as Astraea species. Introduction: For many aquarists the appearance in their systems of tiny white to tan snails, much smaller than a rice grain, is a cause for concern. This concern is definitely warranted… [Read More]

Featured Member – Tank Gallery

  Featured Member Tank Gallery – Reefland Members   We have decided this month to feature a different kind of tank at This month, we feature many members by providing a 20 image gallery of The Best of the Best images. These images were hand selected by our very own photographic guru, Mike LaPorte. We hope you’ll enjoy this… [Read More]

Featured Member – Take 2

Featured Member – Take 2 By: Eric and Sheila Ropke   Featured Member Take 2 – ereefic and klasikb                           Tank Size: 110 Gallon – 48″x24″x22″ Lighting: 2x250w MH with 10k XM’s and 220w of VHO URI Super Actinic. VHO’s are on from 11am to 11pm. MH’s are on… [Read More]

Featured Member – Nano-Nano

   Featured MemberNano-Nan – Samper Tank Size: 20 Gallon High Lighting: Lighting is provided by an Aqua Medic Ocean light pendent with an AB 250w DE 20k bulb. I will be changing to a Hamilton 14k very soon and hope to have better growth without any loss of color. Filtration: Approximately 40lbs of LR, mostly Fiji, in the display. 5-10lbs… [Read More]

Featured Member – Make It Small-Sized

Featured Member – Make It Small-Sized By: Elmo18 Tank Size: 18″L x 18″W x 21″H outer dimensions ~roughly 27 gallons when filled. Sump/refugium is a food-safe grade bin holding about 10 gallons. Lighting: 1x 250 watt MH –XM 10k SE bulb run on ARO Electronic Ballast 3x 28 watt PC 03 actinics run on 3x ARO Nano Ballasts Metal halide… [Read More]

Featured Member – 850 Gallon Dream

Featured Member 850 Gallon Dream by steveweast First of all, I would like to thank the Reefland community for bestowing this honor upon my system. To be mentioned in the same breath as the past recipients is truly humbling. I hope that you all enjoy the journey through my system as much as I have enjoyed the journey through the… [Read More]

Clean Up Crews

Clean Up Crews By: Scott Zachow Over the years, the term Clean-up Crew has been used loosely in the online communities so to start, I would like to offer what it may refer to when used. To most, clean-up crew is used to describe herbivorous invertebrates that help keep nuisance algae “in-check”. To others the term clean-up crew is used… [Read More]

Building a 220-Gallon Reef

   Building a 220-Gallon Reef By: Jack Wiblurn First let me say that I am truly a novice when it comes to saltwater systems and maintenance. Everything I have learned has been from others or as some will say, “the hard way.” I hope that in some way this article will help others understand the trials and tribulations that come… [Read More]

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