Copepods Copepods are small crustaceans found in both marine and freshwater environments. Calanoids, cyclopoids and harpacticoids are of meticulous curiosity to reef keepers, since most species of these orders generally form the first link in the aquatic food chain after phytoplankton. They are the second largest source of protein in the oceans, next only to krill.
All about Snails for Your Freshwater Tanks

Aquarium snails are often cited as a nuisance that can take over the tank seemingly overnight, covering live plants and clogging the intake valves of aquarium filters. Besides, aquarium snails are actually a benefit in some situations. Certain species of snails can act as scavengers in the tank, cleaning up excess detritus that might have a negative effect on the… [Read More]
Aquascaping Your Saltwater Aquarium

Dressing up your tank is a very pleasant experience. A little imagination and motivation can go a long way. You would always want to create an environment that is both beneficial to the tank residents and that is aesthetically pleasing. Livestock that is on the larger size will require some rock or pieces… [Read More]
Ocean Acification Aids fish’s Hearing

A new research published this month shows that cobia, a large tropical fish, have amazing opposition to acidification projections. However, even mild acidification changes their bodily processes. Though a study in 2011 found acidification affects the hearing of clownfish, yet cobia’s inner ear changes considerably when they are raised in higher CO2 concentrations…. [Read More]
Reefs Illuminated Film Premiere

[google_adsense_in_post] “Reefs Illuminated” is a novel short movie about reef bioluminescence and biofluorescence directed by Brennan Vance and shot by the science-art team Luminescent Labs. The film is now showing at the American Museum of Natural History (New York City) until May 3, 2013. This is the first ever film to be concentrated entirely on reefs. Tropical bioluminescence and biofluorescence… [Read More]
Thrive Water Lab’s High Technology

[google_adsense_in_post] The Thrive Water Lab made a big show when it was announced a couple of months ago. There have been questions and discussions about it ever since it was revealed as it looked something different and larger than any other launch in the aquarium industry. The aquarium world is sincerely waiting for this device though we still didn’t know… [Read More]
The Beautiful Marine Blue Sponge

The blue sponge is a beautiful marine specimen that can add a great deal of color to the home aquarium. Blue sponges require a certain amount of water movement, light, and salinity in the water to thrive. [google_adsense_in_post] There are over 8,000 different species of sponges in the ocean and some of them exhibit striking… [Read More]
Enter Reefland Sweepstake To Grab Mighty Mite D.I.(Reverse Osmosis) Reef Water System Worth $109.95
a. Title of the sweepstakes: Enter Reefland Sweepstake To Grab Mighty Mite D.I.(Reverse Osmosis) reef water system worth $109.95 b. Start and end dates: Start date is 22/04/2013 and end date is 12/05/2013 c. Entries are allowed per person: One d. How can the participants enter the sweepstakes? 1) Reefland Forum Member: 2) “Like” Facebook Fanpage 346436852107746?sk=app_253914631393798 3)… [Read More]
The snakelocks anemone bred for the first time in captivity

[google_adsense_in_post] Researchers from Granada have succeeded to breed for the first time in captivity a marine animal known as the snakelocks anemone,(Anemonia sulcata), and have also begun breeding a species of sea cucumber (Sticophus regalis),although this process is still in its initial stages. Both species have great culinary potential and possess excellent nutritional properties. As well as these two species… [Read More]
Fanworms and Feather Dusters For your Tank

[google_adsense_in_post] Fanworms and feather dusters are among some of the most beautiful marine aquarium inhabitants. They are actually annelids and are related to earthworms. These worms are sedentary, sessile and fixed to a spot. They have a segmented body protected within a tube. They have paired gills which are used for respiration and feeding. Sabellids: The sabellids construct a tube… [Read More]