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TaoTronics 120w Dimmable LED Aquarium Lights Aquarium Hoods Led Reef Light for Coral Fish Seaweed

If you have coral or seaweed fish aquarium, which needs sunlight for perfect growth and care, then you can opt for new TaoTronics 120w Dimmable LED Aquarium Light, specially made for these tanks. Based on the fact that halo bios growth requires sunlight, TaoTronics TT-AL09 dimmable aquarium light provides the same effect as natural sunlight and hence offers a very… [Read More]

Coralife Aqua Galoonove Your Hobby Just Got Easier

Coralife Energy Savers brings you the best solution you have always been looking for handing your aquatic pets and products. It is not very surprising that many aquarists develop a sensitive skin over a period of time from handling harsh corals and other such livestock. In the beginning you may not feel the need to use gloves while taking care… [Read More]

Few amazing MACNA 2013 news South Florida

      Today was the last day of MACNA 2013, the most awaited event for aquarists around the globe. Here we tried to sum up a few amazingly notable news of the event. The beautiful Master Scolymia coral was the eye of everyone’s attention and almost made the other corals around it look uninteresting and common. The going rate… [Read More]

DsunY Programmable Aquarium Coral Reef LED Glow Light

        Lighting your aquarium properly is an important part of fish keeping. Not only it manages the appropriate lighting, it also maintains the temperature accordingly in your reef tank as per the choice of the mates you have made. The lighting mocks the season and temperature of the marine life in the reef tank and finding an… [Read More]

Blue Reef Aquarium – You New Touring Destination

          For all you reef fans if you are looking forward to an educational cum fun outing with your friends or family, blue reef aquariums are perhaps the right place for you. They are located at four different locations and you can consider the one that is nearest or closest to your convenience; Hastings, Newquay, Portsmouth,… [Read More]

Hawkfish for Your Aquarium

The hawkfish are tropical, perciform marine fishes of the family Cirrhitidae. Associated with the coral reefs of the western and eastern Atlantic and Indo-Pacific, they share many morphological features with the scorpionfish. Hawkfish have large heads with thick, somewhat elongated bodies. Their dorsal fins are merged, with the first consisting of ten connected spines. Each spine has several trailing filaments… [Read More]

Gobies For Your Aquarium

The gobies form the family Gobiidae, which is one of the largest families of fish, with more than 2,000 species in more than 200 genera. Most of them are comparatively small, less than 10 cm (4 in) in length and include some of the smallest vertebrates in the world, such as species of the genera Trimmatom nanus and Pandaka pygmaea,… [Read More]

National Aquarium’s Blacktip Reef Comes to Life

The National Aquarium in Baltimore has renovated what once was a dull, leaky, concrete tank of mostly sting rays, adding 1,000 animals and 3,000 hand-sculpted coral replicas to create a colorful and massive new centerpiece exhibit. The huge central tank had always been well-liked by visitors but became square, and it is now teeming with new life after the $12.5… [Read More]

Dragonets as Reef Tank-Mate

Dragonets are small, perciform, marine fish of the diverse family Callionymidae, found mainly in the tropical waters of the western Indo-Pacific. They are often miscategorised as gobies or blennies by fish sellers for similar morphology and behaviour. These “little dragons” are generally very colourful with cryptic patterns and hence could be perfect for your reef tank. Their bodies are elongated… [Read More]

Reef Aquariums For Your Inspiration

At reefland we strive to bring reef aquarium hobbyists the best information and resources available to successfully create and maintain their own small reef aquariums. Here is a list of beautiful reef tanks and aquariums that will definitely inspire you to have one.

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