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Utah’s new Living Planet Aquarium is Opening Shortly

The Loveland Living Planet Aquarium located in Draper, Utah, United States, is the abode to 4000 animals coming from 450 species. The public aquarium is made of three main exhibits: Discover Utah, Ocean Explorer, and Journey to South America. The aquarium grew out of a project by Brent Andersen, a marine biologist in 1999 when two vans were equipped with… [Read More]

Pollution in Guánica Bay Poses Toxic Threat To Corals

A new study by the NOAA has recently found that the pollutants in the sediments of Guánica Bay, Puerto Rico when measured were in the category of the highest concentration of PCBs, chlordane, chromium and nickel. They have announced that this is the highest level of pollution to have ever been found in the history of NOAA’s National Status &… [Read More]

Salinity Refractometer, Aquarium & Seawater – Dual Scale

Salinity Refractometer, Aquarium & Seawater – Dual Scale is used to measure, monitor and control the concentration of salt water and brine, and finds it very useful for aquarium and marine applications. This is a high quality refractometer that measures on 2 scales, Specific Gravity (D 20/20) and parts per thousand and is perfect as a replacement to your poorly… [Read More]

EHEIM TWIN Automatic Feeder

If you have those little fishes in your reef tank, you know how difficult it is to keep them fed all day especially when you are a working person who usually gets to stay all day out of home. Eheim Twin automatic feeder is the solution that keeps you free from the worries of keeping your fishes fed all day… [Read More]

New Coral Species From the Pacific – Psammogorgia Hookeri

The year 2014 seems to be the year of new discoveries for the sea world. First it was an anemone, next was cold water corals in the most unexpected regions and now it’s a new species of corals discovered by the researchers from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) and the University of Costa Rica. This new species from the… [Read More]

First Ever Coral Reefs Found In The Chilling Depths of Greenland

For the first time cold waters reefs have been found in the waters of Greenland, at a depth of about 3,000 feet below sea-level. Coral reefs are found usually in the tropical climates where water and weather conditions are favorable for their nurturing. There have been several coral species found earlier in Greenland but for the very first time, an… [Read More]

The Salt in Saltwater Aquariums

We are talking the salt in saltwater aquariums, the most initial thing to get right in order to set your reef tank in the most flourishing way. We have been talking the big names in aquarium set up. We discussed skimmers, filters, lights and even the most sophisticated products that are being developed to make this hobby and easy breezy… [Read More]

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