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Balanopsammia Wirtzi is The Newly Recognized Coral Species Of The Year

We saw a few impressive new coral species that were defined previous year; some overwhelmed us and some failed to generate any buzz. Here comes this year’s first new species of corals defined recently and thought not much have been known about this species we are pretty positive that this one is going to make it to the top of… [Read More]

Bill Wann has the largest fish tank in North America

If you are now wondering who this Bill Wann guy is, just as I was a few days back, let me first tell you he is a local man but you can now recognize him for owing the largest tank in North America. Wann is a successful entrepreneur who designed and built a 24-foot-long, 10-foot-wide and 10-foot-deep 20,000-gallon reef tank… [Read More]

Adding Butterflyfish to Reef Tank

        The colorful and vibrant looks of the Butterfly fish is remarkable and adding them amongst the colorful corals will no doubt augment the overall appearance of the aquarium. However, the common reef compatibility problem and doubts lead to the belief that they are not so reef safe and hence ignored in these tanks. Some of them… [Read More]

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