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Cardinal Fish for Your Aquarium


Cardinal fish are one of the few groups of shoaling fish commonly available to marine aquarists. These are nocturnal and tend to be quite shy. They require meaty foods and will often not take prepared foods such as flakes and tablets. Always keep a wide variety of frozen foods on hand. They are similar to care for as damsels. So long as they are properly acclimated, they tolerate a wide range of parameters. A marine aquarist should watch the ammonia/nitrite levels of the environment, as cardinal fish are particularly sensitive to these chemicals.]

The varieties of cardinal fish that you can keep in your marine aquarium are:

Fragile cardinal fish (Apogon fragilis)

They just grow up to 5 cm (2.0 in) and are not difficult to handle.

Banggai cardinal (Pterapogon kauderni)

These are black and silver striped fish with very tall fins and many white spots throughout the body. These captive bred specimens are quite easy to care for in your aquarium. They can grow up to 8 cm (3.1 in).

Blackstripe cardinal fish (Apogon nigrofasciatus)

As the name suggests and shown in picture (above), these are yellow and black-coloured striped fish and they have red fins, which add the perfect colour to your aquarium. They can be moderately handled and can grow up to 10 cm (3.9 in).

Ochre-striped cardinal fish (Apogon compressus)

It is almost identical to A. nigrofasticus, but the only difference is that it has blue eyes. They can grow up to 12 cm (4.7 in) and needs moderate care.

Blue barred cardinal fish (Apogon flores), Gilbert’s cardinal fish (Apogon gilberti) & Frostfin cardinalfish (Apogon hoeveni)

They grow up to 5cm (2 in) and are handled quite easily.

Blue streak cardinal fish (Apogon leptacanthus)

As the name suggests, they are silver coloured fish with streak of blue near eyes. They can grow up to 6m and can also be moderately handled.

Flame fish (Apogon maculatus)

This is a bright red fish with black spots at the base of the caudal fin, under the second dorsal fin, and on the operculum. It can grow up to 11 cm (4.3 in) and are moderate to care for.

Girdled cardinal fish (Archamia zosterophora)

They can grow up to 8cm and are easily taken care of.
Orange-striped cardinal fish (Apogon cyanosoma)

As per its name it has orange stripes running horizontally throughout its body. It grows up to a size of 8 cm (3.1 in) and needs moderate care.

Orbic cardinal fish (Sphaeramia orbicularis)

It is easy to take care of, in your aquarium. It has a thin, dark vertical ‘waistband’ with scattered dark spots toward the tail. It can grow up to 10 cm (3.9 in).

Pajama cardinal fish (Sphaeramia nematoptera)

It is reef safe and easily handled but better not to keep with small shrimp. The amazing looking fish displays three distinct colour bands: the first, stretching from the nose to base of the first dorsal fin, is a tannish peach. The second, a thin band which runs down the centre of the fish, is chocolate brown, and the posterior of the fish is white with brown spots. It grows up to 8.5 cm (3.3 in).

Ring-tailed cardinal fish (Apogon aureus)

As the name suggests, it has a black ring near its tail. It has yellow body with a black stripe (ring) at the base of the caudal fin and iridescent blue streaks across the eye which looks beautiful especially in dark. It is probably the largest cardinal fish with a maximum size up to 14.5 cm (5.7 in) and not difficult to handle.

So choose your variety and decorate your aquariums with one or more spieces of cardinal fish.