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Color Study In Corals

[google_adsense_in_post] A research by University of Southampton has discovered a mechanism as to how corals use their pink and purple colors as sunscreen to shield them against damaging sunlight. Many reef corals are found to flourish in sunlight as their light dependent symbiotic algae produce sugars and lipids. However in shallow water where sunlight reaches in more than required intensity,… [Read More]

Sixline Wrasse, The Best Wrasse For Your Reef Tank

          The Sixline Wrasse is a beautiful fish. It is very popular and readily available. It has a purple body with six orange lines running horizontally across the upper half. The top of the dorsal fin is also orange. They have red eyes with two white stripes on them. [google_adsense_in_post] The scientific name of this fish… [Read More]

Here’s Why You Must Abstain From Cheap Local Aquarium Products

        We have been constantly advising our dedicated aquarists to keep away from cheap local aquarium products that are not from reputed brands. Yet we know it’s human to desire products for which they have to pay lesser than usual. It is the consequences that actually give some wits to ponder how much they gained by saving… [Read More]

Holacanthus Genera Marine Angel Fish

        The angelfish family contains some of the most graceful and colorful fish. They are beautiful, smart and hardy. These fish are compressed and disc-shaped marine fish. They belong to the Order Perciformes and Suborder Percoidei and members of the Family Pomacanthidae (Angelfish). It contains about 80 species in 9 genera. Some grow to a length of… [Read More]

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