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Tomato Clownfish That Adds BEAUTY To Your Aquarium

[google_adsense_in_post]   The Tomato Clownfish is one of the 27 known clownfish species. Its scientific name is Amphiprion frenatus and it is also known as bridled clownfish, red clownfish, or tomato anemone fish. Clownfish co-exists with anemones in the wild and can shelter from predators near the anemone without being stung or eaten. It may also use coral as a… [Read More]

Common Fish Diseases Your Fish Might Get

          It hurts so much if our when our lovely fishes in the tank fall ill. As they say, “prevention is better than cure”, we always wish we had enough information in order to avoid or prevent it. Here is a list of most common fish diseases in freshwater aquariums. [google_adsense_in_post]   Columnaris: Grayish white marks… [Read More]

How Norton Internet Security 2013 Protects Against Viruses

Many people are aware that they need a high-quality virus protection system for their computer but are understandably confused by how one works. In the case of top performer Norton Internet Security 2013, it works by using many layers of security checks and protection. According to its creator company, Symantec, Norton Internet Security 2013’s core technology, the Norton Protection System,… [Read More]

Test Kits for your Aquarium

          Testing your aquarium is the key component to maintain a healthy environment for your fish. You must be wondering, what should you test. The list below will definitely help you sort what to test for, and provides information about the available products. Master Test Kits: Combination or Master Test kits are touted as the perfect… [Read More]

AquaMaxx Biopellet Reactor

  [google_adsense_in_post] One of the recent method trending reef aquariums is the use of solid polymers called “biopellets” or “bioplastics”. They endow with a carbon source and habitat for good bacteria to settle. These bacteria devour the carbon source and also take in nitrates and phosphates, plummeting and removing these harmful nutrients from the water. The bacteria are as a… [Read More]

Hawk Fish for your Reef Tank

Hawkfish are strictly marine fish of the family Cirrhitidae. They are associated with the coral reefs of the western and eastern Atlantic and Indo-pacific. The hawkfish family contains 12 genera and 32 species. They are popular because of their vibrant color, unproblematic upkeep and easy acclimation to the tank life. Popular kept species are longnose hawkfish (Oxycirrhites typus) and the… [Read More]

Hydor Koralia Aquarium Circulation Pump

[google_adsense_in_post] If you are tired of the traditional bulky pumps for your aquarium, here is something that can be bliss for you. Hydor Koralia brings you a compact, energy saving controllable pump with marvelous, never before seen performance! It is available in various sizes to suit the size of your tank. No more annoyingly space consuming heavy pumps that look… [Read More]

Treating your Marine Aquarium with Vinegar dosing

[google_adsense_in_post] Why would you want to dose vinegar? Here are the reasons: Reduce Nitrate: Proper vinegar dosing will decrease nitrate levels by increasing bacterial population, which are then skimmed out removing the nitrate within their cells. The bacteria may also be a good food source for many organisms, including sponges, effectively taking nitrate from the water and incorporating it into… [Read More]

Reef compatibility of Seahorses

Cultured seahorses have become quite popular in the recent times, but in the reef tanks, they can thrive only in the environments with the right setup. They need pristine water quality, plenty of room to roam, assorted pods to graze in between meals, and a colorful natural setting that makes them feel right at home. The perfect lighting: Seahorses prefer… [Read More]

Ecotech Marine Radion XR30w Pro

Ecotech marine has expanded the technology found in the standard Radion XR30w model; the Radion XR30w Pro represents the cutting edge in LED technology, power, spectrum and spread. Utilizing EcoTech’s TIR lenses and outfitted with 42 top-bin LEDs in eight different colors and running off of six channels, the XR30w Pro gives you unsurpassed full spectral output from 405nm (Ultra Violet) to 660nm (Hyper… [Read More]

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