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Macro Algae And Their Benefits In Aquarium

Growing plant like structures in saltwater tanks is something really exciting for aquarists and the best that can help in this formation are macro algae. There are many types of macro algae that will grow into plant like structures adding color and attraction to your aquarium. Halimeda, Caulerpa, and other large celled algae are helpful additions to a saltwater aquarium… [Read More]

Aiptasia – understanding, control and removal

[google_adsense_in_post] Aiptasia is a widespread and useless guest in saltwater aquariums, also known as Glass, Rock, Tube, or Glass Rose anemones, and they have a capacity to multiply rapidly and contending for food and space assertively. They often come uninvited hitchhiking in live rock or on coral colonies, waiting for the best time to grow in your aquarium. Every saltwater… [Read More]

Enter Reefland Giveaway To Grab $25 GiftCard To Shop For Your Reef Aquarium.

a. Title of the sweepstakes: Enter To Win $25 GiftCard b. Start and end dates: Start date is 12/18/2012 and end date is 01/08/2013 c. Entries are allowed per person: One d. How can the participants enter the sweepstakes? 1. Reefland Forum Member. If not become a member here ( 2. Like on facebook 3. Follow on twitter… [Read More]

Setting The Location Of a Reef Tank

[google_adsense_in_post] It is significant to decide upon the place where you are about to set up a new reef tank. A reef tank is quite different from a freshwater or a saltwater fish-only tank hence requires extra efforts when you are about to set it up. Unless absolutely necessary you cannot move the reef tank from one place to the… [Read More]

DIY aquarium chiller

      An inexpensive aquarium chiller would be difficult to get especially if you are going to use them regularly as the cheaper ones will not sustain longer. The expensive ones you might not want to buy so there is also a way to create an aquarium chiller at home with quick and inexpensive appliances. Here is a rather… [Read More]

Aquarium chiller

      In reef tanks along with other equipments like lighting and water pumps, we also install heaters to raise the temperature enough to get going and the lights used are also of high intensity so there is a probability that water temperature might raise more than necessary and to the extent of cutting down oxygen supply in the… [Read More]

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