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Vitamin C Dosing – The New Trend




There have been talks about the drawbacks on Carbon dosing in older and established tanks. People have supported the system that worked well for them for absorbing Phosphates in reef tanks. Some have preferred vodka, vinegar, bio-pellets, and sugar and manufactured carbon dosing for promoting bacterial growth for consuming ammonia and nitrites. However, they were found to have one drawback or the other within a few days of introduction to the tank. Turning ph into alkalinity, growth of other harmful bacteria, damage to corals, discolorations of corals and oxygen shortage due to over-dosing are some of the major hindrances found with the above mentioned traditional methods. The new trend is of Vitamin C dosing. Also called Sodium Ascorbate Dosing it is gaining popularity especially in reef tanks.


Vitamin C is more often recognized in the form of Ascorbic Acid and is a crucial part of just about any organism’s life having some definite benefits for some corals plus an overall excellent outcome on an a Reef Aquarium. For Vitamin C dosing in aquariums at home Sodium Ascorbate powders are generally used. This variety of vitamin C very easily found has been boasted to be of a neutral pH and is less likely to have adverse side effects on a reef aquarium like turning into alkalinity. Dosage should usually be done in the 5-30 parts per milligrams per liter range with inconsistency depending on the required basis of dosing. Compared all other traditional methods, this process will yield almost no side effect if over-dosed.

How Vitamin C dosing is helpful is not difficult to study. As it is Vitamin C is a vital nutrient which might not be accomplished though other sources hence the organisms remain deprived of an essential element that can boost up growth and health. Corals benefit a lot more their addition in tank. Not only re their color enhanced and protected but their growth also is seen to flourish in presence of Vitamin C. Zoanthid are known to develop best under its effect; both growth-wise and color-wise. It also enhances rejuvenation of leather corals after fragmentation. Those corals refusing to open up due to fungal infections are also found to have shown positive response on dosing of Vitamin C. Since Vitamin C is also a form of carbon dosing it effect are more prominent in absorbing wastes and extra nutrients in tank. Carbon is consumed by the good bacteria that grow and consume all the nuisance substances like nitrite and phosphate. Some small polyp stony corals that have a tendency to thrive better in low nutrient tank, show good bloom and blush in presence of Vitamin C doses.

For the normal benefits of the tank like absorption of excess nutrients and thriving of corals a small dosage of 5ppm or even lower should be enough. However, if your aim is to treat Zoanthids that have closed up for a longer duration due to stress or fungal infections, it is recommended that you add 30ppm of Vitamin C for this purpose. Rejuvenation of fragmented leather coral can also do well with the 5ppm dosing and not more is needed. Though no bad effect of extra dosing has been found, it is best to begin with small doses and increase slowly over the weeks following. Vitamin C is said to degrade hurriedly when exposed to light and water. Therefore instead of dosing at once, split in two doses per day. This way the first half will be depleted and not the entire added content. Add the first dose in the morning and the second at night. The container of Sodium Ascorbate should be kept in a cool, dry, dark place to avoid dilapidation of the product.

Buy from a good source that preserves the product well or order online at Nutribiotic Sodium Ascorbate Powder is available at best price at Amazon. You save 21% if you order now. It is a fully reacted, truly buffered form of vitamin C ready to be dosed in aquariums.